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Published Works

My Poison Frog Teacher
A Poison Dart Frog in Costa Rica met me every morning for a chat, advice and a request for the human race.

Tim the Tree
An 80 yr old elm tree called out to me to communicate and became my spiritual teacher.
New Releases

Be still and shine: Lesson from Tim
Tim offers us all a lesson on ‘Being’ how to just shine in our own special uniqueness

New Sunlight: Encounter with Tim
Tim asked to be part of a special ceremony for the December Solstice in 2021. Many trees participated.

Cure for loneliness and isolation: Lesson from Tim
Tim offers a cure for loneliness and isolation by re-membering all our connections.

Cave journey to the heart of Gaia(Meeting a Brownie Elf)
Crawling into the cave system and meeting with elementals who are holding earth energies and helping us.

Sacred plant teachers
An experience with 7 powerful plant teachers. How they work with us and why they are on the planet.
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