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Podcast Interviews

Possibility Hub series

What is a Shamanic Journey and an experience to the Lower World | John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach
Shamanic Journey | What is a Shamanic Journey and an experience to the Lower World The Possibility Hub | Carol Talbot in conversation with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach Welcome to the Possibility Hub video series…. I’m Carol Talbot, the creator and founder of The Possibility Hub… an advocate for awakening, encouragement and creating opportunities for an expansion of awareness and consciousness. Imagine taking a journey into a parallel realm of existence to retrieve information. In this episode, John Paul Fischbach shares his wisdom on the dimensions of the soul and accessing the lower world, middle world and upper world through Shamanic Journeying. This video also includes a shamanic journey experience. John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach. John Paul is an initiated shaman, sacred pipe carrier and site whisperer and his documentary series, The Shaman and the Stones, is currently in production. He’s a practical common sense shaman, guiding the spiritually curious into transformational experiences with the natural and spiritual worlds. #shaman #shamanicjourney #wisdom #lowerworld #middleworld #upperworld #drumming #journey #spiritanimal #callininthedirections #journeying #dimension #soul #parallelworld #realmsofexistence #intention #sage #cleansing #practice #shamanicworld #intention #healing #ancientwisdom #transformation #shamanspath #palo santo #feather #bear #4elements #ceremonyman #sevendirections To connect with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach visit To find out more about Carol Talbot and the Possibility Hub please visit and download a FREE 11-day Mind Power Challenge Please like, share and subscribe. Follow on IG: carolktalbot
Messages from Sacred Sites from a Site Whisperer | Carol Talbot | John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach
The Possibility Hub Video Series | Carol Talbot in conversation with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach Messages from Sacred Sites from a Site Whisperer Welcome to the Possibility Hub video series…. I’m Carol Talbot, the creator and founder of The Possibility Hub… an advocate for awakening, encouragement, and creating opportunities for an expansion of awareness and consciousness. My guest in this episode is John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach. John Paul is an initiated shaman, sacred pipe carrier, and site whisperer and his documentary series, The Shaman and the Stones is currently in production. He’s a practical common sense shaman, guiding the spiritually curious into transformational experiences with the natural and spiritual worlds. As a site whisperer, he has visited over 100 Sacred Sites in various parts of the world, connecting to the spirits at those sites. In this conversation, we explore a number of these Sacred Sites and the insights and wisdom that they offer. #shaman #synchronicity #sacredsites #womenswisdom #ancientwisdom #giants #time #dimension #space #healing #inuit #initiation #mysteryschool #creativity #sitewhisperer #sacredportals #spiritualworlds #transformation #shamanspath To connect with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach visit To find out more about Carol Talbot and the Possibility Hub please visit and download a FREE 11-day Mind Power Challenge Please like, share, and subscribe. Follow on IG: carolktalbot
When Plants Talk! Wisdom from Plants | Carol Talbot | John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach
When Plants Talk! Wisdom from Plants The Possibility Hub | Carol Talbot in conversation with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach Welcome to the Possibility Hub video series…. I’m Carol Talbot, the creator and founder of The Possibility Hub… an advocate for awakening, encouragement and creating opportunities for an expansion of awareness and consciousness. My guest in this episode is John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach. John Paul is an initiated shaman, sacred pipe carrier and site whisperer and his documentary series, The Shaman and the Stones, is currently in production. He’s a practical common sense shaman, guiding the spiritually curious into transformational experiences with the natural and spiritual worlds. As a Tree and plant Whisperer, in this conversation we look at a number of plants and what they REALLY do to assist in your healing and awakening. #wisdomofplants #musicofplants #cannabis #skeletium #shaman #synchronicity #trees #nature #plants, #rocks #eucalyptus #iboga #ayahuasca #intelligenceofplants #cells #happy cells #healing #plant symphony #healing #neuroreceptors #neuralpathways #treewhisperer #ancientwisdom #initiation #mysteryschool #creativity #sitewhisperer #sacredportals #spiritualworlds #transformation #shamanspath To connect with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach visit To find out more about Carol Talbot and the Possibility Hub please visit and download a FREE 11-day Mind Power Challenge Please like, share and subscribe. Follow on IG: carolktalbot
Insights from the 44 Grandmothers | Carol Talbot | John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach
Winter Solstice - Return of the Light | John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach | Carol Talbot
Winter Solstice - Return of the Light The Possibility Hub | Carol Talbot in conversation with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach Welcome to the Possibility Hub video series…. I’m Carol Talbot, the creator and founder of The Possibility Hub… an advocate for awakening, encouragement and creating opportunities for an expansion of awareness and consciousness. The 21st December is the time of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. In this episode John Paul Fischbach shares the true meaning of these pivotal times and how we can honor them to enhance our lives. John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach. John Paul is an initiated shaman, sacred pipe carrier and site whisperer and his documentary series, The Shaman and the Stones, is currently in production. He’s a practical common sense shaman, guiding the spiritually curious into transformational experiences with the natural and spiritual worlds. #solstice #equinox #wintersolstice #summersolstice #springequinox #balance #returnofthelight #dreaming #shaman #wisdom #drumming #journey #spiritanimal #callininthedirections #journeying #dimension #intention #sage #cleansing #practice #shamanicworld #intention #healing #ancientwisdom #transformation #shamanspath #palosanto #feather #bear #4elements #ceremonyman To connect with John Paul (Eagle Heart) Fischbach visit To find out more about Carol Talbot and the Possibility Hub please visit and download a FREE 11-day Mind Power Challenge solstice, equinox, winter solstice, summer solstice, spring equinox, balance, return of the light, dreaming, shaman, wisdom, drumming, journey, spirit animal, calling in the directions, journeying, dimension, intention, sage, cleansing, practice, shamanic world, intention, healing, ancient wisdom, transformation, shamans path, palo santo, feather, bear, 4 elements, ceremony man

My good friend Carol Talbot's interview series for the expansionof awareness and consciousness. 

Miliwanga Wurrben -
Binning Elder,
Knowledge Barer, Healer, Artist

Over 3 nights Mili received a powerful vision from Wangler (Great Spirit)of a painting that holds all the knowledge of her people.

Tellinger Talks 

Coming soon---

Conversations about life, the universe, and everything

with my best mate Michael Tellinger.

© 2024 by John Paul Fischbach

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