Walking the wheel of the year

A 12 month experiential journey of the year following the sacred calendar of auspicious days.
We will travel the weeks and months together for a full year in person or live via video link.
The course starts on either the Spring Equinox or the Autumn Equinox.
honouring each new moon with a sacred pipe ceremony
celebrating the equinoxes and solstices with special ceremonies
celebrating the Celtic cross quarter days
Northern Hemisphere
Autumn Equinox 20-23 September
Samhain 31 October
Solstice 20-23 December
Imbolc 2 February
Spring Equinox 20-23 March
Beltaine 1 May
Summer Solstice 20-23 June
Lughnasadh 1 August
Southern Hemisphere
Autumn Equinox 20-23 March
Samhain 1 May
Winter Solstice 20-23 June
Imbolc 2 August
Spring Equinox 20-23 September
Beltaine 1 November
Summer Solstice 20-23 December
Lughnasadh 1 February